National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology, INIA (7th- 8th Novembrer 2016)


   Monday 7th November. Salón de Actos   



14:30 – 14:50. Introduction and Welcome - WELCOME BY THE HEAD OF THE INIA
Mr. Manuel Laínez Andrés
Head of the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA) Spain
Introduction by the Chair




14:50 – 15:10. Swedish bee monitoring programme: findings and scope 
Mrs. Susanne Ekroth
Chemistry Department. Science Division. National Food Agency




15:10 – 15:40. Analytical quality control of pesticide residues. Method development for bee and pollen analysis
Mrs. Mette Erecius Poulsen(1)/Mr. Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba(2)
(1) European Union Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues in Cereals and Feeding Stuff. University of Denmark
(2) European Union Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues in Fruit & Vegetables. University of Almería


Monday3FranciscoSanchez-Bayo (1)

Monday3FranciscoSanchez-Bayo (1)

15:40 – 16:00. Impacts of pesticides on the health of bees 
Mr. Francisco Sánchez-Bayo
Faculty of Agriculture & Environment. University of Sydney




16:00 – 16:20. Tracking the dangerous work of bees in agroecosystems 
Mr. Horacio Heinzen
Pharmacognosy & Natural Products. University of The Republic. Uruguay


16:20 – 16:40. Coffee Break  




16:40 – 17:00. Bees: Syngenta : testing, risk assessment and its wider involvement in pollinator solutions 
Mr. Mike Coulson
Syngenta Global. United Kingdom




17:00 – 17:20. Bee safety of neonicotinoids - Evidence from studies conducted under realistic field conditions
Mrs. Jeanine Doering
Bayer CropScience AG. Germany




17:20 – 17:40. Pesticide residue monitoring and investigation of intoxications in honeybees in Spain (2012-2016)
Mrs. Iratxe Pérez Cobo
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Spain




17:40 – 18:00. Indicators of honey bee health and stress 
Mr. Per Kryger
Danish Reference Laboratory for honey bee health. University of Aarhus. Denmark


17:40 – 18:00. Questions and Remarks 

   Tuesday 8th November. Sala San Francisco   




9:00 – 9:20. New data requirements for the risk assessment of pesticides to bees under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009
Mrs. Elena Alonso Prados
Dirección Técnica de Evaluación de Variedades y Productos Fitosanitarios. National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA). Spain




9:20 – 10:20. FIELD STUDIES
Field studies to evaluate residues of neonicotinoids and other pesticides used in citrus and apple orchards related to bees and other pollinators: foliar treatment 
Mrs. María Teresa Martínez Ferrer
Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA). Spain




Methodologies for field assessment of the effects of insecticides on wild pollinators: foliar treatment on peaches 
Mr. Manuel González Núñez
National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA). Spain


Thuesday4MD Hernando_Sergio Gil

Thuesday4MD Hernando_Sergio Gil

Study of the effects of neonicotinoids on pollinator populations. Sunflower crop and seed treatment 
Mrs. María Dolores Hernando Guil(1)/ Mr. Sergio Gil Lebrero(2) 
(1) National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA). Spain
(2) University of Córdoba, Spain


10:20 – 11:00. Coffee Break  


11:00 – 13:00. Round Table
All Speakers


13:00 – 13:30. Conclusions and Farewell